Page 2 - Unibat moto ed accessori 2024
P. 2

      Grazie alla passione, a un monitoraggio attento e       Thanks to passion, a careful and continuous
      costante delle esigenze di mercato e all’attenzione     monitoring of market needs and its constant
      alla sua continua evoluzione, siamo riusciti ad avviare   evolution, we managed to cooperate and create                                                                Lithium EXTRA LiFePO4
      collaborazioni e rapporti di fiducia con realtà di rilievo   trustful relations with national and international
      nazionale e internazionale, e abbiamo acquisito un      brands, and also we managed to get a know-how
      know-how ormai riconosciuto nel campo import/           which is fully acknowledged in the import/export                                                                                                      CX
      export.                                                 field.

      La nostra esperienza decennale ha da sempre al          Our experience of decades has always had as its                                                                                                 Ready
      centro la massima soddisfazione del cliente, che nasce   main focus our customer’s maximum satisfaction,
      da una continua ricerca dell’eccellenza per definire     and   this  begins   with  a  constant   pursuit   of
      prodotti con un rapporto qualità-prezzo ottimale e      excellence in order to define products with the best                                                                                                  MF
      una risposta immediata alle esigenze di una clientela   price-quality ratio and the fastest response to the
      eterogenea, dalla quale accogliere continui feedback    needs of a miscellaneous clientele; our customers’
      per migliorarci costantemente.                          feedback is also very important, so that we can                                                                         Conventional series
                                                              always improve our service.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           12 Volts

                                                                                                                                                                                                           6  Volts

                                                                                                                                                                                              Riding mowers

                                                                                                                                                                                     Equivalent batteries

                                                                                                                                                         TESTER /CARICATORI /CHARGERS


                                                                                                                                                                       Automatic battery charger

                                                                                                                                                                                            and maintainer

                                                                                                                                Batteries are manufactured according to the UNE-EN-50342. The rate of self discharge and/or state of charge (SOC) varies with the ambient
                                                                                                                                                temperature and storage time. SOC value accepted as %100 according to norms and standards.
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